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Thank you for considering our office for your trademark needs. Our full-service legal division works with clients from all 50 states and worldwide. Whether you are just starting a new federal trademark application or looking for a legal team, to handle an extensive intellectual property portfolio, we are prepared to meet your trademark needs.

Are you ready to own your brand portfolio? We're sure the answer is "yes" so click the link below for more information.

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Trademark Services

Looking to protect your brand? Our trademark legal services can help. We offer comprehensive trademark registration services to ensure your brand is properly protected. If you receive a trademark office action, we can help you respond and navigate the process. Our trademark clearance searches can help you avoid potential conflicts before they arise. If you need to enforce your trademark rights, we can help you take legal action. And if you have a large portfolio of trademarks, we can help you manage them efficiently. We serve clients in all 50 states and around the world.

Our office is ready to assist you with trademark Office Actions, trademark Statement of Use Filings, trademark Oppositions, and trademark Maintenance issues, even if you have not worked with us to make the original filing. Whether you are just starting a new trademark application or looking for a legal professional to handle an extensive intellectual property portfolio, we are ready to help you with your trademark needs.

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